Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Lesson Notes

What is adaptation?
-- Adaptation is a special characteristic that enables an organism to survive in its environment.

Why is adaptation important?
-- It helps the organism to cope with the physical factors of the environment.
-- It helps the organism to obtain food.
-- It helps the organism to be protected from its enemies.
-- It helps the organism in its efforts to reproduce.

How do animals adapt themselves to the environment?
-- Adaptation can take place structurally or behaviourally.
-- Structural adaptation: The body of the organism is specially suited to the organism's environment.
-- Behavioural adaptation: The organism behaves in certain ways in order to survive in its living conditions.

Areas of adaptation
-- adaptation for survival in extreme temperature conditions
-- adaptation for obtaining light
-- adaptation for movement and breathing in water
-- adpatation for obtaining food
-- adaptation for protection from enemies
-- adaptation for reproduction

Animals suited for adaptation questions
1) Ploar Bears
2) Penguin
3) Walrus
4) Grizzly Bear
5) Licen
6) Moss
7) Gecko
8) Camel
9) Desert Fox
10) Cactus
11) Lion
12) Deer
13) Owl
14) Bat
15) Sweet potato
16) Money plant
17) Water hyacinth
18) Water lettuce
19) Duckweed
20) Whale
21) Shark
22) Duck
23) Frog
24) Seal
25) Turtle
26) Fish
27) Tadpole
28) Crab
29) Mudskippers
30) Dolphin
31) Aquatic worm
32) Water spider
33) Water boatman
34) Water scorpion
35) Wriggler
36) Dugong
37) Eagle
38) Hawk
39) Falcon
40) Snow owl
41) Stonefish
42) Wolves
43) Zebra
44) Horse
45) Humming bird
46) Mosquito
47) Butterfly
48) Tortoise, Snail
49) Zebra, Buffaloes
50) Moles, Earthworm
51) Porcupine, Pufferfish
52) Artic Fox, Chameleon
53) Leaf insect, stonefish
54) Angsana, Shorea
55) Sunflower, Rose
56) Coconut, Lotus
57) Saga, Rubber


Structural Adaptation:
The water hyacinth has air spaces in roots, leaves and stems that helps them to stay afloat so that the leaves can get sunlight for photosynthesis.

Structural Adaptation:
The American Bald Eagle has claws or talons on its feet that enables it to catch its prey firmly. It has hooked beak that enables it to tear the meat off its captured prey.

It has strong flight muscles that enables it to soar in the sky looking for its prey.

Structural Adaptation:
The snow owl has big, sensitive eyes that enable them to see their prey from high up in the sky and swoop down silently to capture their prey.

Behavioural Adaptation:
It is active at night. It has good night vision that enables them to catch their prey at night. The chances of being caught by bigger predators at night is greatly reduced because they may not be able to see the snow owl.

Practice 2

Practice 3

Practice 4

Practice 5

Practice 6